Monday 26 March 2012

Sea Bass nicoise

So the hot days are starting beer at it's best served cold and it's salad time
again. Now I'm not a big fan of salads as when a lot of people make them
they are soooooooooooo boring but there are some fun one's out there
you just got to find them. Now a nicoise can be a good salad I do mine
with part roast new potatoes in olive oil and sea salt with a runny
poached egg which makes this do I dare say bit more of a man's
salad but when i started eating it I thought that some crispy bacon
bits would have made it the best ever well  next time.

So what you need:

1 Red onion
1 Bag of new potatoes about 400g
1 Bag of runner beans about 250g
2 Baby gem
3 tomatoes but i did not
1 Bottle of vinaigrette
4 sides of sea bass 

Cut new potatoes in half and boil till part cooked
slice your red onion put your part cooked
potatoes in a roasting tray with your red
onion with some olive oil  and sea salt
and mix cook in your oven at max
temperature till a good brown and don't
forget to mix them now and again now
put on a pot ofwater to boil with some salt
in to it and wash your baby gem and tomatoes
and cut the tomatoes in to 8 scgments and rough
cut the baby gem and put in to a bowl and mix.
top and tail your runner beans and place in to your
boiling water for about 3 mins then run under cold
water dry then place in to the bowl and take you
roast new potatoes and put in to the bowl as well.
Now put on a frying pan and some more water with
salt and a bit of white wine vinegar. Season your sea
bass melt some  butter in the frying pan and place
the fish skin side down for 3 mins and turn over for
3mins then take off the heat but keep in the
pan whilst you poach the egg. Mix the
ingrediants in the bowl with the vinaigrette
and put on a plate then your fish follow by
the egg.

Sunday 25 March 2012

Home made pasta with mussels in a white wine sauce

I was cooking for me and some friends and who does not like mussels with pasta
and it great food to enjoy with wine and good bread I picked up some walnut bread
to go with it.

Ok i give you a simple pasta recipe:

pasta flour 250g
eggs 3
salt 1 tsp 
olive oil 1to2 tbsp

mix the flour with the salt then make a well
put the egg in the middle and mix till you get
a dough then put the olive oil on to your
hands and knead in to till its movable and
stretchy cover and rest fo 10 to 15 mins
then roll it a bit till you can use your pasta

for the mussels:

1 bag of mussels
1 shallot or red onion
half a bottle of white wine
500ml double cream
1 bulb of garlic
10g butter
salt to taste
Dice your shallot and crush the garlic and then
melt the butter in a pan on a mediun heat add
to that your shallot and garlic and cook it out
till it's nice dark golded brown then add your
wine and reduce by one third then add your
cream to reduce by half whilst your cream
is reduced put some boilling water on to cook
your pasta. When your cream is reduce add
your mussels but don't for get to check and
clean, 1st. Put your pasta in the boilling water
at the same time give your pasta 5 mins to cook
then  strain and mix with the mussels for 2 to 3
mins and that is it. As you may see I got some
salmon on top of my one for that all I did was cut
some salmon in to half a cm and pan fried for
a min each side so it was still pink in the middle

With a nice sald on the side and a good wine you will
be happy to be eating this on a hot day.

Saturday 17 March 2012


Cracker Barrel

I went for a southern breakfast now the 1st thing you will see is there is
 an old country store that sells retro chocolate bars to wooded rocking chairs
and just about any thing else you can think of.

I just tried the sky bar as I was sitting here waiting for my pictures to load up and
I wish I had some more now.
So I needed a big breakfast that day and I got more than I bargained for.....
I had the the Cracker Barrel Country Boy Breakfast  Pork Chops
or Steak grilled to order, Three Eggs cooked to order served with Fried Apples,
 Hashbrown Casserole, Grits, Sawmill Gravy and Homemade Buttermilk Biscuits
along with real Butter and the best Preserves, Jam n' Apple Butter available.

Steak grilled

 Sawmill Gravy and Homemade Buttermilk Biscuits

Pork Chops

Apple Butter is a must try I and not a big fan of jam and preservetives but I loved
this it just like butter flavoured with apple.
Sawmill Gravy and Homemade Buttermilk Biscuits now the biscuits are what we
would know as scones without the fruit the sawmill gravy is not like the ahhhh
bisto it is taking the fat or dripping from the meat and mixing it with a roux
and thats what it is so if your someone who like dripping on toast then
you will like this.
Grits now what are grits well its like polenta or porridge there ok I
like them when I mix the apple butter in to it.

Grandpa's Country Fried Breakfast Two Eggs cooked to order with Grits, Sawmill Gravy and Homemade Buttermilk Biscuits along with real Butter and the best Preserves, Jam n' Apple Butter available. Served with your choice of Fried Apples or Hashbrown Casserole and Chicken Fried Chicken or Country Fried Steak.
and sweet potato pancakes on the side for us to try and I got to say there awsome

Saturday 3 March 2012


I was in New York last week for a friends wedding so
congratulations to Frank and Jennifer.

So the 1st thing I wanted to try in the USA was a Diner for the pancake and bacon with syrup

Pancake and bacon

Tex breakfast warp

Conrbeef hash egg and potatoe

In the Tex warp was egg, fried potatoe, chorizo and chicken with tomato salsa and I
got to say wow thats a breakfast. The conrbeef hash was out of this world if you
had too much to drink the night befor I think it as they say over there
winner winner chicken dinner or as we say here it's lubly jubly.
Now the pancake and bacon I've got to sayI wanted to try this and no
that is not a ball of ice cream but butter as I thought
when it came out but I've got to say it works the sweet and salt the crispy bacon
and fluffy pancakes you can't help but eat it all.

I got more to put up but will in my own time.

Healthy avocado drink

Here is a easy and healthy drink to make
all you need is
2 Avocado
1pt milk
5 tps honey
just put all in to a liquidizer and mix
and if you want it to be more sweeter
just put more honey and if not so sweet less
honey and in the summer time try freezing
the milk for a healthy milkshake.